Talkie Talkie


Attention to GIRLS~

Hey girls,
you guys who come from 1A3,
sure remember last time English aural,
Mr. Choo YF's title was :Girls are evil.
Don't wu hui...
it's not I want to remember,
it's because one of my primary friend,
also said something like that to me ==
and I asked him where he got this 'knowledge'
he said he took the words from someone's phone (in a picture)
I decided to help the girls to tao hui gong dao!
the ones who haven't hear about this before,
you can see down here...

here's the list (shorter than CYF's):

To say that girls are EVIL,
first, we (the boys) know

girls= time x money
time= money
girls = money x money
= money²
money is a root of evil
girls = evil²
girls = √evil²

see... ><
can anyone tell me if this is logical?!



JayJay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JayJay said...

Haiz, I didn't dare to keep that comment there in order not to find myself in trouble... =P

Overall, I now applaud CYF for giving such a detailed explanation of some (SOME, AND I MEAN SOME...)girls in 1A3... :)

misswhywhy said...

uh.... does girls=money x time?? i don't think so..