Talkie Talkie


monday ):

please don't let me see someone in 2A1 crying on Monday, because I'll be the next one..
it's just soooo bad, drama placed us all together and now holidays are separating us ><
you guys are just sooo guys are always there to care for each other...................
we really did a great job 2A1 drama folks, you guys make me cry and laugh, and then cry and laugh
non of you are not important to me D: special thanks to:


wakakaka ;D I 'grow' a lot, smile a lot, act a lot, crazy a lot, sampat a lot in 2A1
you guys are just soooo cool 0(>.<)o
is there an opportunity that everyone in 2A1 goes to 3A1? i'll miss you all ):
so much...

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